Wednesday, January 20, 2010

happy nu year

Happy new year!

Trust y'all had a wonderful holiday.
pardon the absence/silence, work was crazy for a while and then it just seemed like there wasnt anything worth putting down. i tried to keep up with my blog rounds tho, even when i dont drop comments, i still monitor u guys. am hoping to get my mojo back on now.

holiday was fun, had a blast. you should see me in my flabbergasted state (learnt that new word from Loving de life to mean ur state after gaining weight, brilliant isnt it?), i ate, ate, partied, etc i was just determined to have a memorable xmas and i did! plus Bubbly is still so so sweet, we werent together for xmas but it was fun having him in my life. full details on bubbly next post.

now its back to work and reality. speaking about work, problem dey o, there is no work at the moment for me! yes, you heard me right and no, am not enjoying it. courts have resumed session so naturally, we should be in the deep of it right now. but boss lost her mum and so there's plenty preparation for burial etc long and short of it, no sitting this month! its annoying cos there's pending work for me but boss no gree give us, that means my days of closing 10pm are fast approaching and that isnt a comforting thot (scowling face).

so i saw the movie 2012 on Sunday and all i can ask myself is, who send me?! the film is messing up my mind! it seemed so real, like something that might actually happen one day, God forbid! since i saw it, i've just had a fresher and newer perspective to normal, natural happenings. there was this very strong harmattan wind on monday and i just had a fresh perspective to it, maybe its something like.......... Tufiakwa!!! i wont even compare it. now i wish i had a roomie, i just wake up in the middle of the night and my imaginations run amok. God help me.

will be back soon again.........